Ivan Smirnov

23 posts

Panda : Android Wear Controlling OSX Machine

What is Panda? Panda is short for "Panel d'administration" (French : Admin Panel). This is an ongoing project of mine to export as much admin functionality as »

How I Manage My Time

Time management is an integral part of all of our lives. Time is one of the few resources that is truly irreplaceable - there is absolutely no way to get »

Project Showcase: Panda

Project Showcase: Panda

Project Overview This project showcase is about Panda, which is a custom built admin panel that uses a REST API backend with a material design frontend. The goal is to »

Success and Failure

People often ask me how I got my job at Google, or how I got an internship as a freshman. The answer is simple - I applied to the job. »

CalHacks 2014

How it all started This is a tale of great success and disaster, triumph and failure. This is the saga of my experience at CalHacks 2014. I signed up for »